Monday 2 November 2015


When someone submerges himself/herself into water, suffocates by limiting the valuable oxygen or hangs by forming gallows, it is the boy or girl who puts the head in a knot and it is the collective consciousness of the society which gets strangulated.
Suicide rate is escalating and other than GDP growth of nations, this graph has also virtually reached to the climax. When the body goes deep into the water and faces the timely death, soon after a while the whole reflection of the deeds of society floats on the surface of Jhelum River. It is actually the demise of confidence and hope in our younger generation. The broken hearts usually go to monasteries and mosques, reflect on their failures and do some contemplation on, what went wrong? But here mosques are far away but rivers and gallows are very close to make ties with. Rivers used to be the source of interaction among civilizations during the primitive days but now it has been a centre of suicides.
This deserves a serious attention among the inhabitants of Kashmir who have diverted all their energies in resolving a conflict and has taken far granted all other small issues which form the base of civilizations. Morality, they say is missing and the men of god have left for caves. Then who will address this generation which has lost all the vigor of coping up the tensions and depressions of life. We need serious moral education which focuses on the maxim that poor is not the one who has less money but he, who has greed. The great traditions or religions of the world in calculates in man the passion of other world, this doesn’t mean they teach us to hate the pleasure or desires but the truth is that such things are very trivial to the basic nature of man who has the inbuilt capacity to yearn for the infinite. The wisdom of all the religions has always been to overcome this world with the hope of facing the eternal world with all happiness. More we concentrate on the basic treasure of everlasting wisdom more we can be successful in attaining a comfortable life. The glory and success of this world is tinsel says Hustin Smith, a famous perennial scholar of religion. Such an approach to life can be attained only through moral education and that is possible only through religious education.
But with rise of materialism, a new god, men have started to worship architecture, position, status and style and the whole gamut of human thought went other way. Prosperity matters more than being good to others and unfortunately success also matters more than life itself. Ego expects more and more and the greed increases, and we become poor. Suicide in a nation is a failure of educational system which invokes in man a yearning of this worldly passion, on which Iqbal was conscious and said Treat its ego with the acid of education.
It’s the time to focus more on eternal happiness rather than money because to quench the thirst of money is according to the Tolstoy quenching the fire by putting more butter into it. Discovering the holy and scared and limiting ourselves in terms of social success is the greatest good one can ever think for this generation. This never means we should discourage hard work to get the worldly success but limitations and moderate approach is a divine approach to life. God bless our next generation with all success and bless them with what Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) used to pray “Oh Allah show me the ultimate reality of things”.